
From Garden to Table: Spring Rapini AKA Broccoli Raab

by - 12:49 AM

Organic Spring Rapini AKA Broccoli Raab in the garden Seeds by Victory Seeds Company
Organic Spring Rapini AKA Broccoli Raab in the garden
Seeds by Victory Seeds Company
Buongiorno miei amata amici! 
This is my first year to grow Organic Spring Rapini and it was with some trepidation that I attempted it, as I was not even sure of its purpose. I mean the heads don't amount to much, so it was not like a score of broccoli. However, one of my favorite heirloom seed companies, Victory Seeds, gave me the opportunity to try something new and it is an Italian staple. And I can always count on Mike and Denise from Victory Seeds to help me if I run into any gardening challenges.

Organic Spring Rapini or Broccoli Raab freshly cut and rinsed
Freshly cut and rinsed Organic Spring Rapini

After reading Niki Jabbour's book The Year Round Vegetable Gardener, much to my delight I learned that I could cut this plant once or twice and expect regrowth, so it is a bit of a cut and come again plant. This I have now done and yes, I have new growth shooting up.

Preparing Spring Rapini or Broccoli Raab for Roasting with Olive Oil and Sea Salt
Preparing Spring Rapini for Roasting

Following the cutting and rinsing, I stored the Rapini wrapped in a damp paper towel in the refrigerator until I was ready to roast it.

I placed the rapini on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.  Then I covered it olive oil and grated Himalayan Pink Sea Salt onto it, before sticking it in the oven at 350 degrees and roasting for about 20 minutes.  
Roasted Organic Spring Rapini  or Broccoli Raab Recipe
Roasted Organic Spring Rapini
or Broccoli Raab Recipe

I removed it from the oven once the leaves were crisp and the stems were tender. The leaves are beautiful, translucent, almost like green stained glass. The taste is a cross between broccoli and kale chips with a texture crossed between the two as well.  The Nutritional Analysis shows Rapini is another Green Superfood, much like Kale and may just be the 2014 Food of the Year. 

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